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10 Steps To Create Your Back To School Command Center!
Back to school time has arrived and if you have not yet created a command center in your home, you are probably feeling a little...
To Turn Your House Into A Home. 10 Tips.
Have you ever walked into a house that felt cold and impersonal like the person living there just bought furniture and stuck it in there...
Stepping Into The World Of Grown Up Furniture? Here's What You Need To Know...
Have you gotten to a point in life where you appreciate and understand the value of good furniture? Maybe you're like me and you have...

How creating a "mom cave" saved my sanity! 10 essentials you need to create your own!
This blog post is being written on my laptop as I'm curled up in my favorite chair in my beautiful ultra feminine mom cave. Two years...
Elegant Decor & Small Children-Yes they can co-exist! (10 simple steps)
There I stood, staring in horror, at my angelic white custom made silk dupioni drapes covered in bright red ketchup... My beautiful...
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