How creating a "mom cave" saved my sanity! 10 essentials you need to create your own!

This blog post is being written on my laptop as I'm curled up in my favorite chair in my beautiful ultra feminine mom cave. Two years ago, before this little corner of my home existed, this blog post would not have been possible. You see, by now, my son would have asked me a million questions, some cartoon would be blaring in the background and my little Pomeranian would probably be stepping on my keyboard wanting me to pet her. Everyone in the home wants a little piece of your time. Which is a good thing... (Until you feel like you want to pull your hair out) I really do love my family :). But we all need a little escape sometimes. I made my self a mom cave and I truly believe it has made me a better mom because I'm happier! I want to share with you how I did it and what you will need you do it too! STEP 1- Cave location. This is an important thing to consider. If at all possible, I need you to find a room that is not currently used for anything else- like a guest room. A shared space is not ideal. For this to work to its full potential, you will want to be able to close or even lock the door so everyone knows that you are having "mommy" time. Got your place? Good. Now on to the fun part... STEP 2- Your Decor. This is where you get to express parts of your style that you would not necessarily want to express in the rest of your home. For example, I went with over the top feminine glamour. I have 2 small boys so at times I found it very hard to be in touch with my feminine side between all the boogers, wrestling, poop talk, and stinky socks. But you just be true to what ever your style is. STEP 3- Your special spot in the room. Where will you sit? How will it feel to the touch? Will it be by a window? Can your feet go up? can you recline? Does it feel like a big warm hug? Don't forget a nice pretty throw blanket! STEP 4- Your Essentials. Do you go in there to catch up on The Real Housewives? Then you will need a TV and a DVR. Do you go in there to read? Then you will need a beautiful bookshelf. Do you go in there to pray, meditate or do yoga? Then maybe you want a space on the floor with pretty mats and pillows. Do you go in there to blog, get work done, check emails? Consider a small desk. Just remember to keep it fun and as much about you as you can. STEP 5- Your favorite things. I will list mine off to give you some inspiration... 1. Green tea or wine 2. My "chick Music" playlist that I made on Spotify 3. .My dog 4. My tablet 5. Bible 6. Yoga mat 7. Yankee Candle (Honey Blossom) 8. Over-sized pretty pillows 9. Fresh flowers 10.Vintage framed photo of my grandma & grandpa 11.Perfume bottle collection on display 12. My silk robe and my fuzzy robe 13. Nail polish 14. My pretty stationary, journal, and pretty pens. I hope this post inspires you to make your own 'mom cave'. If you don't have an extra room to use, I hope you will carve out a little corner of your home that is your sacred space to retreat to when you need a little break. Please comment below and share your mom cave ideas. And as always, if you are in need of decorating services, please reach out to me via email and tell me about your dreams!